Tuesday, 31 January 2012

Panel 4 Complete + w.i.p's

Panel 4 was designed to be a reaction shot whilst at the same time introducing the commentators into the story, to give it a bit more depth and further push the idea. I used reference from a shot of WWE commentators to get the general size and composition. I think it worked well and although this is near final, text may yet be changed.

Saturday, 28 January 2012

Panel 3 Complete + w.i.p's

This panel is the 3rd showing the direct effect of The Executioner's strength. I have once again, included work in progress images to show my changed and possible thought process. This panel was very difficult. It had a very complex pose and angle meaning I had to use a lot of reference. Now that it is complete however, I will now have a bit of breathing space before another complex pose, so to speak.

Tuesday, 24 January 2012

Panel 3 - Laying the Smackdown

This panel is the next to follow showing Karl Matthews being slammed down to the ground. I used an image from the spider-man comic for reference and it really has some impact, which is what I am trying to also get across with this image. I think it's on the right track and just needs to be worked up a bit more before I start inking the image. I added SLAM in large letters not only to add to this, but because the move is also, literally a slam - fits well doesn't it.

''My god King, he's just broke him in half!''

Establishing Shot - Near Final

This will be the first panel establishing the scene in which the event is taking place. Alter some feedback I altered each side of the arena, as to make sure that the viewer does not get disorientated with each panel. Adding signs was an easy way to do this and was something I should have done regardless to add more to the scene. All that is left to do now is to add a caption, if there will be one.

Panel 2 Complete + w.i.p's

It's been a a couple of days or so since my last update of panel 2. It has been tough, but with reference I have managed to complete it to a fairly accurate degree. Some aspects still need touching up on but for now, I will push on to panel 3 in which Karl Matthews is being thrown down to the canvas with full force.

Below are the work in progress shots of the panel and images I used as reference.

Reference Images: 

I was heavily influenced by a section of an Ultimate Spider-man book which featured wrestling. It gave me an idea of when to apply comic book style effects and what panels should follow others. I looked at Bill Pearl, a Mr Universe winner from around 1955 for anatomy reference, and also superman images for where to apply ink to my heavily muscled Executioner. 

Wednesday, 18 January 2012

Panel 2 w.i.p

Tough is a word which springs to mind. I have chosen a tough area for this project. It relies heavily on action and therefore a high knowledge of anatomy and perspective. Both of which i am not very well accustomed to yet.

This panel is still in early stages but hopefully I can really add to it and start to make it look right. I know the anatomy is off, I just have to work out how to fix it....and this is only panel 2.

Sunday, 15 January 2012

Title Screen Rough

For my title screen I wanted to have a vs pose just like in real wrestling matches. This is a rough idea of what it may look like/will look like. It's very simple. I included test box's at the bottom as a means of giving more information to the user about each character. It also looks reminiscent of text box's used in comic books which is a nice touch. This screen and the establishing shot give a lot of information to the audience about the promotion, who is champion/contender and therefore what the match is about, highlighting it's importance. Little touches like this are necessarily in order to give information without a lot of text.

Est.Shot coloured v.1

Few more tweaks, it's getting there. Taking much to long especially with the many other panels I will need to do, although this is the most detailed they will get.

Saturday, 14 January 2012

First Panel

Establishing shot.
It makes sense for the first panel to be an establishing shot since I want the user to immediately recognize it is a wrestling ring and the grand scale at which the match is taking place. It is for a belt which has been held by 'The Executioner' for over a year.

I think it looks ok and works well. It needs more black shading before being colored. The bar at the top will contain CCW and championship match along it to make it immediately clear what the promotion is called, and what the match is for. 

Thursday, 12 January 2012

Karl Matthews Final Design

This is the final design for the hero of the game. It's based on one of my friends who actually wrestled himself. He was often considered 'default' in terms of his style - and I wanted my character to be very simple so the player can project themselves onto him, and root for him to win. He's the underdog to the CCW champion who is unbeatable.

How could any ordinary wrestler defeat 'The Executioner'?

Wednesday, 11 January 2012

'The Executioner' Final Design

This is the final design of the Executioner. The hood would be Part of his entrance attire which he would take off as he enters the ring, similar to how the undertaker takes if his hat when entering the ring. The design is simple, I went for a comic book style with this and it was a lot harder than I thought. My knowledge of anatomy is awful and needs to be addressed quickly. The white sections on the legs are images of an axe that represent his status as an Executioner. A sledgehammer is a weapon used in wrestling and seemed like something I could give the character without it being too over the top.

Tuesday, 10 January 2012

Initial Sketches

The script is complete, but is a very rough draft. Getting the look for my two main characters done is important at an early stage. I decided that i wanted the good character, Karl, to be quite small wearing simple wrestling attire. In contrast I wanted the bad guy, to be large and for his attire and gimmick to be interesting. Having the main character simple allows the user to project themselves onto the character and adds more attachment. The villainous bad guy is a wrestler known as 'The Executioner'. The idea sprung to mind when I attached a hood and I though it would fit perfectly. Executioners are often seen as being scary and in a sense they have no mercy -  a perfect fit to be a hero's nemesis. Originally, when I had no initial idea, the character was called Drake 'the beast' Moore. Once this new idea came to light I knew I wouldn't be changing.

The sketches are very simple, and a more in depth sketch of the executioner is being done to follow this up.
The spiked section would be taken off before the match.

Thursday, 5 January 2012

The Amazing Spiderman - Spider Island

I've always been a fan of comics and graphic novels. When I heard of this project a friend lent me this series to read, but this time I payed close attention to composition, the way the panels were layed out, expressions and even lighting.

Movement and expression are paramount 

Not only is the composition nice in all of these panels, the expressions used really show the characters emotions, backed up with what is being said. An example would be Peter Parker's face as repeatedly says 'no'. It perfectly shows the mood he is in with his head held up eyes closed as if he doesn't want to listen to his girlfriend. The middle right panel is on top of the left showing it is continuing almost immediately rather than there being a gap between to shoe time. Additionally to this, Peter is sitting almost lent forward possibly showing that he is slightly down after being lectured by his girlfriend. These are similar aspects I would like to incorporate into my Narrative. I will continue to read the comics and look into how these and other techniques help the reader to understand what is trying to be conveyed.

http://www.spidermancrawlspace.com/wordpress/2011/07/06/the-amazing-spider-man-spider-island-summer-preview/ accessed - 05/01/2012

Tuesday, 3 January 2012

Initial Ideas

Two ideas i have thought of for this project are based in the real world, to a certain extent. I preferred to come up with my own ideas rather than using an existing child's story.

- The first idea was based around a game of football between two teams. The narrative would eventually lead to player choice in actions of the football player. To put this in context, the narrative would start just before the second half of the game. The opposing team is 2-1 up in goals with  your manager desperately pleading to draw the game or the team will be relegated. Soon the 90th minute draws close and the player who has been focued on throughout has made a run up through the centre of the oppositions defence. This is where the user is presented with options effecting the outcome of the match. If he scores, then the team will stay in and not get relegated.

1) Take a chance and smash the ball from outside the box hoping to score.

2) Pass over to your team mate down the left side of the pitch

3) Pass over to your team mate down the right side of the pitch

4) Play a through ball to another striker to gain a clearer shot.

Football Comics have been done, but are they a viable option?

These are just some of the options, and from these other options could spring up. For example, if you passed to your team mate down the left, he would then cross it in. Two choices could present themselves here affecting whether the ball gets cleared meaning relegation, or a team mate scores - success. Other options could mean immediate failure such as passing down the right side of the pitch, but the pass gets intercepted and cleared by the opposition. Option one could result in the ball completely missing the goal or hitting the cross bar only to be cleared once again meaning you have failed. Option 4 could result in a shot being saved by the keeper but going over the goal, leading back into a corner which would result in the same two choices as option 2.

I think the idea could work well, and there are many football fans with iphone's but I feel that it could lack personality and be quite bland. Unless I added more action such as injuries and shots of the managers or fans to add emotion. It could work but I believe my second idea could be more interesting.

- A wrestling match is something I immediately thought would work for this project. I didn't want to have a story with someone dying in it, and although this is a fight no one will die. Wrestling is very theatrical and dramatic. You have bold characters and feuds going on that can become very intense as well as it being a dangerous and exciting sport as well. With the personalities I would have greater room for emotion, lighting and various other techniques to give more to the Narrative. The story would be simple, the main event is here and you have a chance of winning the Heavyweight/company name championship. It's one shot and a strong and vicious enemy is your opponent. The user would again, be presented with a series of options changing whether he fails, or succeeds in winning the belt. The situation is that you have both knocked each other down and accidentally hit the referee down as well. As a result, the opponents manager comes out and slides a chair into the ring cheering him on to get up and hit you with the chair to win the match. You both begin to stagger up - what will you do?


1) Strength - You choose to go straight for him and attack

2) Agility - You choose to springboard of the ropes and hit him with an areal attack

3) Tactics - You choose to wait for his move and roll him up with a quick pin

4) Weapon - You take a chance and grab the chair to attack him with it.

You can over exaggerate moves and characters

If you were to choose option 1 for example, because your opponent is much bigger you would fail, he would do his finishing move and the match would be lost. If you chose option 2, you may have a higher chance of success since you are throwing your whole body into the foe, but he could still reverse the move and once again, use his finishing move. Option 3 could work because you are outsmarting your opponent and catching him off guard which happens to many of the larger foes in wrestling. Option 4 could also be successful, if he doesn't reach the weapon first! Again, some choices could lead to more options. For example, option 4 could mean you both struggle for the chair, he gains control - then you are presented with two options. One would be to attack him, the second could be to avoid his attack. These aren't final decisions but it's a start.

Wrestling looks to be the idea I will go with for now, I will look into the it further as well as read comics and graphic novels considering composition and other conventions.



With this project we have been asked to create an interactive Narrative for Web or iOS platforms. Interactivity will stem from the player being given options at select times during the story affecting the outcome and direction the narrative takes. This could be as simple as having four options with different outcomes and only one being the correct path. Looking at Comic book and Graphic novels will be important in relation to sequential imagery and how it can be used to manipulate the reader into thinking what you want them to.

Research into this media, as well as film, will be done alongside this project to gain a better understanding of the techniques used.